
Grief counseling is a talk therapy that helps people cope with the grief and mourning process following the death of loved ones as well as other major life changes which trigger feelings of grief (such as separation or divorce or material loss).

Everyone experiences and expresses grief in their own way. It is not uncommon for some to withdraw from their friends and family and feel helpless; others might be angry and want to take action; others may laugh. One can expect a wide range of emotion and behavior associated with grief but whatever the personality or culture, the grieving person benefits from the support of others. Where such support is lacking, counseling may provide an avenue for healthy resolution.

Grief is a process, the goal of which is resolution. If the process of grieving is suppressed or interrupted by simultaneously having to deal with practical issues of survival or bypassed in order to stay strong in holding a family or situation together, grief can remain unresolved and later resurface as an emotional issue which needs attention.

Losses that may cause grief besides the death of a loved one include being diagnosed with a chronic or terminal disease, disability from a severe accident or illness, divorce, miscarriage or stillbirth, the birth of a child with a birth defect, a diagnosis of infertility, learning that your child or teen has developed a behavioral problem, learning disability, or substance abuse disorder, a move from a familiar home ( especially hard for older adults), job loss, loss of independence after a serious accident or illness, an act of violence or a natural disaster.

Grief can be also caused by a loss related to normal, seemingly positive life changes. Examples of such life events include starting school (loss of the comfort of home and familiar surroundings), gaining increasing independence and self-responsibility in the late childhood and teen years (loss of dependence on parents), marriage (loss of independent decision making), birth of a child (loss of independence), retirement (loss of income, work-related identity, and daily social contact), aging and maturing (loss of physical strength and youthful appearance).

Old feelings of grief from past loss can be triggered by current experiences or anniversaries of the loss. This is normal. Please contact me on-line or telephone (919)302-6280 if you or a loved one are in need of grief counseling.

Other counseling services:

In addition to being a pastoral counselor, I am also a certified, professional life coach. My specialty is helping individuals become centered in their true selves, empowered to make the personal breakthroughs and progress which they desire.

Coaching Credentials:

  • Professional Life Coach Certification, Transformational Life Coaching Center
  • Neurolinguistic Technician in Fundamental Patterns and Methodologies of New Learning Patterns
  • Enneagram Intensive Training, The Enneagram Professional Training Program

Please contact me if you are interested. You can also visit and click the Life Coaching link.